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Time with God

Published on June 13, 2024

You might relate to this story!

It was a Sunday skit that changed lives.
The main character was a secretary busily organizing her calendar.
The actor portraying God was trying to get the woman’s attention, yet He was ignored.
Well, God was persistent, so the secretary finally said she’d pencil him in.
After the skit, Larnelle Harris sang “I Miss My Time with You.”
It’s a song God used to remind people to have a daily quiet time to pray and study His word.
How about you, friend?  God wants to spend time with you.

But is God just ‘penciled in’ to your schedule and easily erased?
As Larnelle sang,

My efforts have no meaning when God’s presence isn’t there.
God will provide the power, if I take time to pray.”

Spending time with God WILL transform your life!

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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