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Fullness of Joy

Published on March 10, 2011

by Violet Tse

Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.Psalm 16:11

FlowerI was brought up short recently, with the phrase “fullness of joy” in Psalm 16:11. A series of negative events (from my perspective) had occurred, leaving any thought of a fragment of joy, let alone fullness, taunting me as an impossible dream.

As I read the whole psalm, however, I was overwhelmed as I realized it spoke of my precious Savior and His suffering. He faced everything, no matter how painful, with joy and complete confidence in His Father to bring Him through the path from death to life. Ultimately He returned to God’s presence, at His right hand where “there are pleasures for evermore.” When my eyes turn to look upon Him, my heart and tongue also rejoice in who He is and what He has done. Somehow my own personal trials shrank considerably as I meditated on this psalm.

According to Matthew Henry, “this psalm is entitled Michtam, which some translate a golden psalm, a very precious one, more to be valued by us than gold, yea, than much fine gold; because it speaks so plainly of Christ and His resurrection, Who is the true treasure.”

O Lord, may I always look to Christ as my true Treasure, and with Him, in Your presence, find “fullness of joy.

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