March 29, 2021
He Knew His Future
Jesus is the only person who has ever accurately predicted his own resurrection. He said He would be raised from the dead on the third day after dying on the cross for our sins, and He was!
Read more..Jesus is the only person who has ever accurately predicted his own resurrection. He said He would be raised from the dead on the third day after dying on the cross for our sins, and He was!
Read more..Whether in a train or wherever you are, God guards and rescues those people who reverence Him. Today, you can know for certain that God will send His guardian angels to guard you – simply yield your life to Him and ask Him to come into your life and forgive your sins.
Read more..Ephesians 5:18 "Be filled...with the Holy Spirit and controlled by Him" Jesus knew His disciples were fruitless, quarreling, ambitious, self-centered men, so...
Read more..You and I have a way by which we can be absolutely certain of God's forgiveness.
Read more..s children of God, we have the ability to obey God’s laws if we are filled continually with the Holy Spirit and refuse to obey the old evil nature within us. Question: Thinking back to what’s happened in your life today (or yesterday if you’re reading this early in the morning!) what can you give God praise for?
Read more..As commonly interpreted, the word “blessed” means “happy” You and I are assured of happiness when we are making conscious strides toward humility. All of this becomes possible as we yield to God’s indwelling Holy Spirit.
Read more..The Word of God is the secret of faith. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
Read more.."If you have lost the joy of the Lord in your life," someone once observed, "who moved, you or God? For in His presence is fullness of joy."
Read more..Thought: Since I love God and am fitting into His plans, I will, by faith, count all things as working together for my good today and will thank God and praise Him in obedience to His command. I will encourage others to do the same, to trust and obey God as an expression of the supernatural life.
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