July 15, 2023
The Supernatural Power of Praise
Praise is a form of sacrifice. Ninth, praise makes for a more joyful life. Tenth, praise enhances human relationships. Eleventh, praise is a supernatural expression of faith.
Read more..Praise is a form of sacrifice. Ninth, praise makes for a more joyful life. Tenth, praise enhances human relationships. Eleventh, praise is a supernatural expression of faith.
Read more.....pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results" James 5:1
Read more..I will never be able to live the Christian life through my own self-efforts. My only hope for victory, power and fruitfulness is to trust Christ to live His resurrection life in and through me.
Read more..There is a difference between temptation and sin. Temptation is the initial impression to do something contrary to God's will. Such impressions come to all people, even as they did to the Lord, and they are not sin in themselves. Temptation becomes sin when we meditate on the impression and develop a strong desire, which is often followed by the actual act of disobedience.
Read more..The average Christian spends so little time at the throne of grace, so little time beholding the face of our Lord. As a result, he does not really believe that mercy and grace are available to enable him to live a supernatural life.
Read more..for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow
Read more..God has made it possible for us to please Him by giving us His Holy Spirit to indwell, enable and empower us for service.
Read more..Holy Spirit Devotional - Certain conditions must prevail, of course, before the Holy Spirit can speak through us. But they are easily met.
Read more..God’s indwelling Holy Spirit, making possible the supernatural life, constantly empowers and enables us to reach out and attempt great and mighty things for God – always an outreach that involves the needs of others more than Bible Reading: Mark 10:23-27our own personal needs, as great as they may seem to be at times.
Read more..Do you feel deserted, alone, rejected? Do you have problems with your family, work, school, or health? Whatever may be your need, Jesus is waiting to make His presence as real to you as if He were with you in His physical body.
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