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Thoughts By Caroline Bellemare

June 10, 2024

God is Speaking

We read in God’s Word that He wants us to talk to Him, but also that He speaks.

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July 24, 2023

When God Seems No Where to be Found

I just moved into the hood. Parenthood that is. I’ve never been this tired, nor have I ever felt this much love in my entire life. If you’ve got a little one (or many kids) yourself, you know exactly what I am talking about. The book of Esther is quite interesting to me because it does not mention God even once.

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June 29, 2022

Trouble at Home

Do people in church get under your skin sometimes? That sister in church was getting on my last nerve and I was getting on hers. More than a decade later, we know we can call each other at anytime of the day or night, and we will pray for one another. I love her as if we were raised together.

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May 11, 2022

Panic or Faith

...but I decided from then on to deal with things as they came from the point of view of faith, not panic. One step at a time is more than enough for me to handle.

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May 8, 2019

Joy in Hard Times

If you are going through hardship, take heart. You are not alone my sister, my brother. There are faithful people around you that can relate and help you through it. All the while, God is working miracles in you and through you. From ashes to beauty is what He promises.

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January 25, 2019

Peace Amidst Accusations

My knees felt weak, my head spun. I was filled with so many toxic emotions at once. My colleague had grossly lied about me and my work, and it was too much to bear.

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November 19, 2018

He Rejoices Over You

Rejoice in the God who rejoices in you when you place your faith in Him. Whether you have been a believer for five seconds or five decades, this promise applies to your life, daily.

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