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Thoughts By Suzanne Benner

October 21, 2021


“The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you in power and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.” (1 Samuel 10:6) Read on....

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September 12, 2021

Lifelong Learners

Jesus, I want to learn from you. I want to think right. I want to hear the Spirit’s voice and obey.

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June 27, 2021

Confidence in Time of Need

I need grace. Selfishness keeps me from faithfully representing Jesus every day. Pride contaminates the service I offer God. Fear submerges the longing to love Jesus most of all. Maybe you can relate. Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace...

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June 14, 2021


As you look around you, worship and praise the Creator who has provided for all our needs in wonderful ways and is also preparing us for a new, sinless creation whose glory and beauty is beyond anything we can imagine.

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June 10, 2021

Hear the Voice

Today, if you choose, you can hear the voice of Jesus and live.

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May 26, 2021

In God Alone

Surrender yourself completely to God. The peace, life, and hope He gives far exceed anything the world can offer. God, I seek you with all that I am because I know that I can only find what I’m looking for in you. Amen.

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April 18, 2021

A Day’s Portion Every Day

Daily, I must come to Jesus and his Word to find nourishment for the day. I cannot stockpile communion with God. A double serving on Sunday will not feed me through the week. Instead, I must sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to his voice every day.

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April 10, 2021

Faith Walk

The cliche “slow and steady wins the race” contains a grain of truth. How we live today affects our lifelong journey.

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September 28, 2020

If You Will, You Can

Trust requires humility. Asking admits need. Expressing our deepest desire leaves us vulnerable. By seeking a specific outcome, we risk disappointment.

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September 12, 2020

Die Daily

Jesus turned the world upside-down with an amazing pronouncement. “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39).

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