November 6, 2024
Grand Theft
I would never take something that belonged to someone else. Then, I read in Scripture that I am not my own. I don’t belong to myself. I am God’s.
Read more..I would never take something that belonged to someone else. Then, I read in Scripture that I am not my own. I don’t belong to myself. I am God’s.
Read more..True greatness is determined by what GOD has done in our lives. “GREAT” . . . .because of what God is making us to be.
Read more..Sometimes life throws curve balls and hands us difficult decisions, and we just want to pick up the phone and let God tell us what to do.
Read more..We fret. He is calm. God is not pacing the floors, wondering what’s going on, biting His fingernails, or dissatisfied with our lives and the world in general.
Read more..Have you ever asked the Lord to draw you closer to Himself -- then, found an overwhelming trial lying between you and that closeness?
Read more..I just spent an unhurried weekend in an unhurried town with a good friend who’s never in a hurry. Coming from a hurried town and a hurried life, slowing down didn’t come easy. Until slowing down was required—slower than I realized.
Read more..Lord, Make Me Like That. Like a tree planted by a river, finding a constant source of life and nourishment. Like a tree spreading out its roots to that source, reaching for that which will make it strong.
Read more..Prayer is the great exchange—need replaced by peace even when the need still exists. Prayer places the trial in Another’s hands and knows His faithfulness will stand the test.
Read more..Expectations. We all have them. We may call them by a different name – hopes, dreams, visions for the future, a reason to set goals today.
Read more..God is pleased with us based on what Christ did for us; never because of what we do for God.
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