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Thoughts By Charles Stanley

September 14, 2021

Joyful Endurance

We, too, can endure hardship with joy in the Lord, who comforts and strengthens us through it and promises to bring us safely to glory.

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September 4, 2021

The Obstacle of Discouragement

When life deals you a painful blow and your soul is in despair, turn your eyes away from your situation and place them on the Lord.

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August 30, 2021

A Passion to Obey

All the promised blessings in the world cannot make a believer follow God into some frightening places. But that’s where love for our Father comes in, as it compels us toward obedience no matter what is at stake.

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August 23, 2021

Finding Clear Guidance

So often when we’re faced with a critical choice, all we want from the Lord is a quick answer. But He delights to meet with us in order to deepen our relationship with Him.

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July 31, 2021

Answers in Times of Calamity

Almighty God reserves the right to reveal some things and conceal others. Although we may not know why natural disasters occur, three biblical truths we do know with absolute certainty allow us to trust the Lord even in times of great suffering.

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July 13, 2021

Trading Worry for Peace

Think about it: What do you gain from worrying about circumstances? What do you lose?

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June 27, 2021

Moments of Weakness

Temptations can come at any time, but they are especially dangerous in periods of weakness because that’s when we’re more prone to yield.

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May 30, 2021

Learning through Adversity

As believers, we know God uses our troubles to accomplish His good purposes.

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May 13, 2021

When Facing Life’s Mountains

Wouldn’t it be great if it were easy to do God’s will? But sometimes it seems as if a mountain stands between us and what we’ve been called to do. Read: Zechariah 4:1-9

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April 30, 2021

The Rewards of Patience

The Lord has many rewards available to us when we abide patiently in His will.

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