April 18, 2024
When Burdens Seem Unbearable
Stop and look up to your heavenly Father. Remember a time when God carried you through hard circumstances, and rejoice in His steadfast faithfulness.
Read more..Stop and look up to your heavenly Father. Remember a time when God carried you through hard circumstances, and rejoice in His steadfast faithfulness.
Read more..One of the most distressing emotions is the bleak sense of isolation caused by a difficult situation or experience. This is especially true when a loved one has died or you find yourself in the middle of a severe trial that can’t be solved quickly.
Read more..Have you ever considered that spiritual rescue is even more important than physical deliverance?
Read more..We all know that Jesus walked the road to Calvary, but did you know that believers also journey to the cross? We've all been positionally crucified with Christ, but those who hunger for Him participate in a deeper experience of this reality.
Read more..God's commitment to us has absolutely no conditions or restrictions and isn't based on whether we love Him back. Nor does He have more love for "good" people who may strike us as more worthy.
Read more..If we try to hold tightly to any earthly things during our hardships, we will be tossed about in various directions since we’ve affixed ourselves to an unstable foundation that’s continually shifting.
Read more..“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23
Read more..Life is like a trail with complex twists and turns. Appealing activities can be detours that lead to the quicksand of sin. No one can go wrong by keeping to the pathways God selects.
Read more..Worldly wisdom amounts to nothing in the eyes of our omniscient, all-wise Father (1 Corinthians 1:20), and He expects His children to request and follow His guidance.
Read more..Godly love enables us to: Respond graciously in trying circumstances; Sacrifice without complaining; Wait patiently for others instead of pushing them to change...
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