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Thoughts By All

February 20, 2022

Unstoppable Love

God not only made the world, He loves the world.  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world!”  Try that on for size!  The one who formed you pulls for you.  Untrumpable power stoked by unstoppable love!

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February 17, 2022

Don’t Back Down When Facing Trials

God is with us in our battles. Let us therefore stand firm and be encouraged by the words in James 4:7 that says, “Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”.

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February 12, 2022

God is Holy and Merciful

When we invite Jesus Christ to come into our lives, He removes the sin barrier between us and God.

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February 7, 2022

Set Upon a Rock

When I face grievous troubles, I too will look to the rock, Christ Jesus, and claim His wonderful promises for comfort and strength.

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February 2, 2022

In Everything by Prayer

It is so easy to be anxious and worry over situations. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, ...

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January 27, 2022

Comfort in Times of Uncertainty

I drove home through thick fog tonight. There have been fog patches around our home and in the area these past two weeks. I hardly ever drive through thick mist without thinking about my relationship with God.

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January 26, 2022

True Courage

The point is clear. The Father of Truth will win, and the followers of Truth will be saved. The prize is yours. Applaud the victory!

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January 22, 2022

Grace Makes Life Not Fair

This week, intentionally offer the last seat on the bus, even if you got there first; be patient with your friend who came late.

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January 21, 2022

Seven-fold Blessing

Spiritual blessings begin with a revelation of God as Abba Father. Be blessed with a love relationship with Him. He wants you to know Jesus personally and grow in Him. Be blessed to desire righteousness that conforms you to the will and ways of God. He wants to give you holy joy in abiding in Him.

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January 20, 2022

Trusting God Takes Practice

Trust is absolutely vital to having a close relationship with God. Trust in God opens the door to all sorts of healthy spiritual practices.

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