March 29, 2019
Simply Obey
God speaks to lead us to the next place He has for us. He speaks to give us warnings about what is to come. He sees what we cannot see. He guides us with His eyes upon us. Our job is simply to obey His voice.
Read more..God speaks to lead us to the next place He has for us. He speaks to give us warnings about what is to come. He sees what we cannot see. He guides us with His eyes upon us. Our job is simply to obey His voice.
Read more..God pours his power into your life, giving you his strength to do what he’s called to do. Faith is acting in confidence that God’s power is active in and through your life;
Read more..Think for a moment... who do you admire? the most admired people of the 20th century is Mother Teresa. Jesus is the ultimate example of a person with a willingness to help the helpless.
Read more..The word ‘tiredness’, even when spoken out loud the word sounds and makes us feel
Read more..“Even the youths shall be exhausted, and the young men will all give up. But
Read more..Jesus told the man,“Stand up. Pick up your mat and walk.” And the man immediately obeyed. I wish we would do that. I wish we would take Jesus at his word.
Read more..“For if you carefully keep all these commandments which I command you to do—to love
Read more..How about you - holding on to any grudges? Forgiveness is good for your health! Want to help heal the world? It begins with you.
Read more..“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He
Read more..How much we worry and how many of our worries are unfounded? Unhealthy worrying can
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