December 19, 2021
God with us Now Residing . . .
How interesting that God chose shepherds as recipients of the “birth announcement” of the Savior. Shepherds weren’t men who worshipped in sanctuaries with stained glass windows.
Read more..How interesting that God chose shepherds as recipients of the “birth announcement” of the Savior. Shepherds weren’t men who worshipped in sanctuaries with stained glass windows.
Read more..Do you find yourself withholding love or rewards from people because you don’t like them?
Read more..Suddenly, Jesus looked at the woman. Still speaking to Simon, He pointed to the love this forgiven sinner had been showing Him, in contrast to what Simon had failed to do. Simon gave Him no water to wash His feet. This woman had used her tears. Simon gave Him no towel. But she used her hair....
Read more..Say this as a prayer – In faith, I know this to be true: I know my God goes before me and comes behind me (Psalm 139:5). He is “my refuge, a...
Read more..I will war for you when you are weak and can't go on. Giving to you renewed strength. I will war for you when people are slandering you, with words and assassinating your character I will war for you, that you will not get stuck in the mud.
Read more..“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14
Read more..We must enter into an expectant spirit of prayer, knowing that, when we meet His conditions, God will hear and answer us.
Read more..For a nation of people, many of whom are “educated beyond their intelligence,” as an anonymous wit once observed, America sorely lacks a sufficiency of men with real wisdom – that which is given by the Lord Himself.
Read more..Victory is God’s will for the believer’s life. But sometimes we can find ourselves falling repeatedly into the same sin. One reason is incomplete repentance. The second reason for failure is an inadequate view of our true identity in the Lord.
Read more..Many received help from God, and it is certain He won’t fail you— never give up!
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