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Thoughts By All

October 11, 2017

Peace Be Still

“Then He (Jesus) arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be

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October 11, 2017

A New Chapter for Your Life

The anxious heart says, “There’s trouble out there!” So you don’t sleep well. You don’t

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October 10, 2017

God’s Word Gives Joy and Light

“God’s laws are perfect. They protect us, make us wise, and give us joy and

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October 10, 2017

In God’s Hands

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that

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October 9, 2017

Let Thanksgiving be the Habit of your Life

Why is thanksgiving so important? It acknowledges God in the situation. When things go wrong the last thing we want to do is give thanks. But it’s the most beneficial. Thanksgiving prepares the way for God’s salvation to come in.

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October 8, 2017

Developing a Tender Heart

This week when you read your Bible and pray, let your heart be soft toward the words of God. As He pokes His finger into each hard area, listen to His instructions, and rely on the Spirit's power to help you yield and obey. Let Him shape you into a beautiful and useful vessel.

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October 8, 2017


Listen to God’s purposed fruitfulness for you in John 15:16. “You did not choose me,

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October 7, 2017


“What is the price of five sparrows? A couple of pennies? Yet God does not

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October 6, 2017

I Want People to See Jesus in Me

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive

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October 6, 2017

Grace – the Example of Zacchaeus

“Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy.

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