February 15, 2024
The Fruit of Love
Heartache and pain is part of life. It can either bring us closer to the One who can transform the difficulties of life into fruit, or it can make us bitter, angry, and full of resentment.
Read more..Heartache and pain is part of life. It can either bring us closer to the One who can transform the difficulties of life into fruit, or it can make us bitter, angry, and full of resentment.
Read more..Do you judge by the standards you have been taught or do you turn to God, and seek understanding from Him? Do you see with your eyes, or with God’s eyes?
Read more..What fears are holding you back from boldly stepping into the abundant life God has for you? How could you overcome those fears through Christ?
Read more..Like a ray of light piercing the dark depths of the ocean; God reminds us with His word that nothing can separate us from His Love.
Read more..Father, let us worship you in our lives today, not fear you…let us come to you my God, my Savior, and seek a deep and intimate loving relationship with you;
Read more..Who we are in God is more important than who we are to anyone else in this world. We are His chosen people, and we are His very own.
Read more..How often do we look to our own interest? How often do we look to the best interest of our family, of our church? Is it possible that our interest may not be in the best interest of others, because it may not be in God’s will?
Read more..Is there something in your life that keeps you from seeing and hearing God? What does it mean to really surrender everything to God?
Read more..Fear of the unknown, in my opinion, is the most prevalent fear that we as humans face on a daily basis.
Read more..The Lord never gave up on me and in my weakest moment of my life, I really found Him.
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