March 24, 2025
Is it Your Planting Season?
What opportunity, relationship, project, ministry or other “seeds” has God put in your pocket waiting to be planted?
Read more..What opportunity, relationship, project, ministry or other “seeds” has God put in your pocket waiting to be planted?
Read more..God knows that these 5 steps will take us a long way in experiencing His wonderful grace. Name your uncertainty and pray the following prayer.
Read more..Sometimes things seem big. Sometimes things are big! Yet God tells us to worry about nothing! It seems impossible to us. “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything: tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers.” Philippians 4:6 (Living Bible).
Read more..Happy New Year. Join us this year in choosing to intentionally build growth into our individual hearts and strength into our faith.
Read more..Lord God, Thank you for Your incredible promise. Help me to keep it in full focus as I walk through this whole year. Whether things around me blossom or shrivel I am determined to stay green and fruitful as I intentionally and fully trust You every single step of the way. I pray this with thanksgiving in the strong name of Jesus, amen.
Read more..Christmas events can sometimes give rise to relational conflict that mars the peace of the season. Conflict often reflects unmet needs. No one likes to be thought of as needy. It’s easier to think of others as needy;
Read more..Are you feeling at peace ... or is pressure mounting in your home?
Read more..Sometimes that manger scene seems so irrelevant. I pondered how the Baby Jesus impacts my life. He is…so much more than just a baby!
Read more..Advent is a time to prepare our hearts for Christmas. It’s a wonderful tradition that moves us beyond the tinsel to remember what is truly important. It helps us make room for Jesus in our lives that often have “no room in the inn”.
Read more..“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15
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