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Thoughts By Kristi Huseby

June 7, 2021

One Boot at a Time

What’s your mountain? I suddenly realized I’d been fixating on my mountain instead of fixing my eyes on my God. I assumed I would climb this mountain in one gigantic impossible leap, instead of one boot at a time.

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May 20, 2021

Chains of Perfectionism

Are you a perfectionist?  Do you find yourself needing to be perfect in everything, never allowing people or for that matter, God to see your flaws? 

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April 1, 2021

Thank You, Jesus

Thank you, Jesus . . . for allowing me to know You! You have given me Your Word so that I may know You. This isn’t a casual relationship but an intimate, personal, all-consuming one! 

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March 24, 2021

If God is For Us…

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a country where

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February 5, 2021

Forgotten Miracles

“Our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the Lord’s miraculous deeds. They soon forgot His many acts of kindness to them. Instead, they rebelled ..

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July 14, 2020

Outlandish Faith

When everyone else was trembling in fear, Caleb and Joshua were ready to march ahead.  Who does that?  Why would they believe when everyone else did not?

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July 9, 2020

If You Want Peace, Prepare For War

Question: Are you aware and ready to fight spiritual battles in your life? If you want peace in your life as a Christian, you must prepare for the battle.

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February 20, 2020

Religion or Relationship?

If you have struggled, like me, with having an intimate relationship with God, I encourage you to let go of the checklist and just BE with Him. He is waiting, inviting you to grab hold of this incredible relationship.

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January 23, 2020

Ugly to Beautiful

Look at what God does in nature:  He changes an unsightly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly and an "ugly duckling" into a magnificent swan.

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December 30, 2019

One Breath

I’m reminded of how fragile life can be and how easily I forget that it is so. I get glimpses and reminders of my eternal destination but they are all too quickly swallowed in the temporal of the here and now. The crazy. The busy. The hectic.

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