March 28, 2025
“Hanging In There” Not Allowed!
I've got a mission today. It's as big as the Kingdom of God on earth. Find out my part today and do it. "Hanging in there" not allowed!
Read more..I've got a mission today. It's as big as the Kingdom of God on earth. Find out my part today and do it. "Hanging in there" not allowed!
Read more..There is so much more to know and experience of GOD than what we are currently aware of.
Read more..Learning to give preference to others is one of the true marks of a Christian because it is so contrary to human nature.
Read more..Did you ever stop to think about what a bad deal Jesus got when He chose us to be His bride? No one would blame Him if He gave up on us.
Read more..If you want to get a little taste of what God is like, try loving your enemies, lending money to those you know won't pay you back, and then try being kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.
Read more..God becoming human is the true message of Christmas. It is a cataclysmic event - a pivotal moment in the history of planet earth.
Read more..Some readers have wondered why I would quote the likes of Woody Allen and Rabbi Kushner, or make mention of Jimmy Buffet.
Read more..The Gospel message has gotten a little foggy these days with all the attention being paid to politics, family values, and culture wars, and a lot of folks have lost track of the fact that it's all about Jesus.
Read more..To those who fought and never came back And those who came back broken To those who wondered why And those who never questioned
Read more..We live in a time of momentous fear. Terrorism and economic hardship grip many people, but their screams are mostly silent. Those who could help are walking away.
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