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Thoughts By John Grant

July 12, 2022

Real Rest

I worry and fret over things that may not even happen and magnify the significance of those that do. How about you?

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June 17, 2022

Having an Unsinkable Faith

Think about it. Is your faith unsinkable?  When your physical boat sinks, are you going up or down?

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April 19, 2022

The Thank You List

Over these past days, I have tried to examine every year of my life and think of what God did for me, even before I was saved. It has brought to mind things I had long ago forgotten and regrettable probably never thanks God for, at least not recently.

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April 9, 2022

Be an Encourager

“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.” Proverbs 12:25 Encourage someone today and be prepared to receive back even more. In addition to making others day, it will make you feel so good when you are in a mood of encouragement.

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March 15, 2022

Sin Whispers

God can rescue man from sin and eagerly awaits every opportunity to do so. His position remains steadfast and he is not blown by the winds of cultural change.

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March 11, 2022

A Time to Throw Away

What are you holding onto that bogs you down and hinders you in your walk of faith? What ultimately meaningless “stuff” are you hoarding that holds you back in your spiritual growth? Whatever it is, get rid of it so that your life may be full and your spiritual walk unburdened with the things of this earth?

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March 4, 2022

The Detours of Life

Do you sometimes get irritated with the detours in your life? Do you realize that sometimes God has a purpose? Look at some prominent detours in the Bible. Detours, when we get off the main road, can be frustrating and time consuming. Yet in the spiritual life, God seems to allow us to be detoured.

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February 16, 2022

He Cares for You!

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

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January 8, 2022

The New Is Here

God so loved the world He created that He gave sinful man A SECOND CHANCE by sending His only Son as our Savior, not only for us, but for the whole world. Will you start new with Christ this year?

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December 5, 2021

Black Holes

A black hole. That’s what it seems like at times in our personal lives.

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