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Thoughts By Kathy Cheek

November 26, 2023

Never Alone

Who hears you when you cry? Who listens when no one else cares… Who listens when no one else is there? Psalm 116:1-2 I love the Lord, because He has heard My voice and my supplications.

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November 10, 2023

Finding Perfect Peace

Most worry develops because we cannot fix our problems. We can’t make things happen and we can’t make things stop. When we choose to trust, worry loses its fierce grip from our nervous wringing hands.

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November 3, 2023

Will They See You in Me?

Poem by Kathy Cheek. Lord, When people look at me Will they see You? When people talk to me Will they hear You? When they come to me And need the strength That You can give...

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October 15, 2023

The Wound of Bitterness

THE WOUND OF BITTERNESS. Where there is bitterness, There is brokenness Where healing should be, Can be, Will be, When the bitterness is gone

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September 19, 2023

A Place of Blessing

Wouldn’t you love to be like the tree that is firmly planted by the rivers of water and is fruitful and prospers? Isn’t this the life we want to live in the Lord? This is the life He has promised to those who walk in close relationship with Him.

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August 13, 2023

Looking through Faith’s Eyes

Our faith must be the eyes we use to see what we cannot see. The unseen, the unknown, the questions without answers… (If God had put every answer in the Bible, we wouldn’t need faith, and our Bible would be so big we couldn’t carry it!)

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July 30, 2023

Waiting God’s Way

How are you at waiting? I am talking about the kind of waiting we do

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July 23, 2023

The Hand that Holds My Hand

Every time we choose faith in our intimidating circumstances, we are winning the battle. Day by day we can pick up the smooth stones and hurl them at the giants in front of us—toppling them to the ground.

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June 21, 2023

Yielded Heart

Yield: To relinquish control to someone or something; To give something up to someone else; The opposite of being in control or in charge.

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June 13, 2023

When I Blow it Again

After listening to someone share how they blew it by losing their patience over a very small matter when their sincere intention was to keep calm in a disagreeable situation, I was reminded how recently a similar thing had happened to me.

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