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Thoughts By Katy Huth Jones

April 3, 2020

Abounding in Hope

Christians never have to feel hopeless  — no matter what is happening in their lives or on the news. The Holy Spirit has made sure the Bible will help us abound in hope through the power of the Gospel (or good news) about Jesus.

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February 5, 2020

One-On-One with God

In the Bible there are many instances of godly parents who had ungodly children. Though my heart will always be pained at the choices my father and my son made, I can’t let their unfaithfulness destroy my steadfast faith and hope in my Savior.

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November 25, 2019

The Rock Pile

While our prayers may not be answered in the way we want, God will respond to our cries. Instead of despairing that things are not turning out as we hoped, let’s keep our eyes open for the ways he begins to lift the weight from pressing on our lives and brings relief, stone by stone.

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November 15, 2019

Hitting Rock Bottom

People “hit rock bottom” when they reach the lowest point of their lives and realize they have nothing else to lose. For some, it’s the only place they can clearly see themselves and their situation and understand how much they need God’s love and mercy to pull out of the rocky pit.

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November 6, 2019

Unexpected Detours

Our lives sometimes take unexpected detours when we experience a job loss, a forced move, serious illness, or death of family or friends. We have choices: we can grumble, curse, or scream about the unfairness of changing our plans, or we can trust God, pray for wisdom, and accept the new route open to us.

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October 18, 2019

A Servant’s Heart

Lord, help me to love you and your people so much that, like Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, my desire is to serve rather than make excuses why I can’t. Amen.

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October 3, 2019

Faith and Fear

Lord, help me not to fear the unknown future. Let me remember you already know what lies ahead and will safely lead me through it. Help me banish fear and grow in faith and trust in you. Amen.

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September 2, 2019

Don’t Look Back

Grief is more than losing a loved one. We grieve the loss of anything that was important to us, including a home, a career, or our health.

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