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Thoughts By Helen Grace Lescheid

November 24, 2019

God’s Everlasting Faithfulness

“If we are faithless, God will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13 What steps can I take to get myself out of the pit of despair?

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October 31, 2019

Who Am I Really? A Victim or a Victor?

If we base our self-worth on a sad experience which happened in the past such as: I’m a divorcee; I’ve had cancer,  I’ve suffered abuse…This leads to defeated thinking like I’m damaged goods, this is who I am; I can’t change it.

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October 25, 2019

In Christ I Have a New Life

What happens when we repent of our sins and receive Jesus Christ as Savior? Jesus forgives us and cleanses us from all sin. We are adopted into his family. We’ll go to heaven when we die.

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September 28, 2019

When Our Failures Haunt Us

God doesn’t expect us to be finished products now. We are works in progress. We can leave our failures with God. He does not condemn us. He will use them for good

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September 15, 2019

Jesus Makes Us Over Comers

Are you struggling through a time of suffering and loss? God wants to be near you during this time. How can you let God meet you in your pain?

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September 9, 2019

God Loves Me the Same on Good Days and Bad Days

"Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness" Lamentations3:22,23

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August 8, 2019

Soar Like an Eagle

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by life’s problems? You want to soar above them but you feel yourself being sucked under. During one such time, a chaplain’s true story gave me hope.

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July 26, 2019

Dependency on God

Jesus tells the crowd at the temple, “the miracles that I do in my Father’s

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July 5, 2019

I Belong!

A deep need within every person is the need to belong. We are made for

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June 30, 2019

My Life Has Purpose

“recognizing your purpose means everything. I assure you that you too have something to contribute. You may not see it now, but you would not be on this planet if that were not true. I know for certain that God does not make mistakes, but he does make miracles. I am one. You are too.’

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