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Thoughts By Lynn Mosher

March 20, 2024

Do You Spend Time Under the Broom Tree?

When something great happens in our lives, when we have a good day, or when we have accomplished some good in the world for the Lord, many times, discouragement follows.

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February 26, 2024

Is Your Bucket Empty?

Whatever you have been through or are going through right now, I pray that your bucket be filled and runneth over with faith, hope, joy, and love in Jesus.

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December 16, 2021

The Cry of the Hungry and Thirsty

What happens to us, as Christ seekers, when ill winds of adversity whip around us?

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June 6, 2020

Dwell Deep

Dwell deep under those layers of discouragement, grief, failure, disappointment, hurt, or heartache. “Do not be in a hurry to leave the king’s presence.”

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March 26, 2019

Journey of Choice

Prayer: Lord, I know Your plans for me are more excellent than anything I can devise. They are for my good and my benefit. Help me to remember to consult You with each choice that confronts me every day.

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April 21, 2018

Drink of the Living Waters

When your soul is depleted and parched from the incessant trials of life, when you long desire to hear the words of comfort and feel the Lord’s presence, do you know where to go to refill your bucket, to quench your spiritually shrivelled soul, to regain your strength?

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March 11, 2017

Untie It and Bring It Here

Lenten Season: It’s a time for reflection on Christ, His suffering, sacrifice, life, death, burial, and resurrection. It’s a time for deepening one’s walk with the Lord. A time of cleansing and refreshing. Of soul revival.

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November 28, 2016

What is Your Hail?

Praise Him Who rides the clouds over your life, Who meets you in the eye of the storm, in the midst of the pellets of hail, and says, “Peace. Peace, be still!”

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