January 17, 2023
Trust God to Lead
Worrying is one job you cannot farm out—but you can overcome it! And there’s no better place to begin than Psalm 23:2. “He leads me beside the still waters,”
Read more..Worrying is one job you cannot farm out—but you can overcome it! And there’s no better place to begin than Psalm 23:2. “He leads me beside the still waters,”
Read more..When fear shapes our lives, safety becomes our god. We worship the risk-free life.
Read more..God's Joy. His is a joy which consequences cannot quench. His is a peace which circumstances cannot steal.
Read more..What happens when we fill our minds with thoughts of God’s love? Will standing beneath the downpour of his grace change the way we feel about others?
Read more..“His name will be...Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 Heaven opened herself and placed her most precious One in a human womb. The Omnipotent, in one instant, made Himself breakable. He who had been Spirit became pierceable.
Read more..The virgin birth is more, much more, than a Christmas story; it is a picture of how close Christ will come to you. The first stop on his itinerary was a womb. Where will God go to touch the world? Look deep within Mary for an answer.
Read more.."For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" Isaiah 9:6
Read more..Our God is a promise-keeping God? Others may make a promise and forget it. But if God makes a promise, he keeps it.
Read more..Loneliness. Could it be one of God’s finest gifts? Scripture says, “Perfect love casts out fear.”
Read more..Here is a big question. What is God doing when you are in a bind? When the lifeboat springs a leak? When the rip cord snaps?
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