December 15, 2024
He Was Reachable
Jesus was touchable, approachable, reachable. And, what’s more, he was ordinary. If he were here today you probably wouldn’t notice him as he walked through a shopping mall.
Read more..Jesus was touchable, approachable, reachable. And, what’s more, he was ordinary. If he were here today you probably wouldn’t notice him as he walked through a shopping mall.
Read more..Can an acorn become a rose? Can a whale fly like a bird? Can lead become gold? I don’t think so!
Read more..1 Thess. 4: Do all you can to lead a peaceful life. Take care of your own business, and do your own work as we have already told you. If you do, then people who are not believers will respect you.
Read more..As long as our eyes are on God’s majesty there is a bounce in our step.
Read more..Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff! To reflect on your blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To rehearse God’s accomplishments is to discover his heart!
Read more..Holiday travel. It isn't easy. Then why do we do it? You know the answer. We love to be with the ones we love.
Read more..'God has planted eternity in the hearts of men.' Ecclesiastes 3:10 (TLB) It doesn't take a wise person to know that people long for more than earth.
Read more..You can talk to God because God listens. Your voice matters in heaven. He takes you very seriously.
Read more..Joseph's fiancee was pregnant. But Joseph tanked his reputation. He swapped his reputation for a pregnant fiancee and an illegitimate son and made the big decision of discipleship. He placed Gods plan ahead of his own.
Read more..“Fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.” Romans 12:2 (MSG)
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