September 28, 2023
An Attitude of Gratitude
A grateful heart sees each day as a gift. Thankful people focus less on what they lack and more on the privileges they have.
Read more..A grateful heart sees each day as a gift. Thankful people focus less on what they lack and more on the privileges they have.
Read more..“Let he who has ears to hear, use them.” “Happy are those who listen to me” is the promise of Proverbs 8:34.
Read more..Fear feels dreadful. It sucks the life out of the soul, curls us into an embryonic state, and drains us dry of contentment.
Read more..Cornelius was an officer in the Roman army. Both Gentile and bad guy. He ate the wrong food, hung with the wrong crowd, and swore allegiance to Caesar.
Read more..Life has a way of unloading its rubbish on us. Your boss expects too much. Your kids whine too much. Trash. Load after load of anger;
Read more..When asked to describe the width of his love, he stretched one hand to the right and the other to the left and had them nailed in that position so you would know he died loving you.
Read more..How do you handle your tough times? When you are tired of trying, tired of forgiving, tired of hard weeks or hard-headed people—how do you manage your dark days?
Read more..The message of God is the message of grace. Grace that is entirely God’s. God loving. God offering.
Read more..Anxiety ain’t fun! One would think Christians would be exempt from worry but we are not.
Read more..Satan has deputized people to peddle his poison. Friends dredge up your past. Preachers proclaim all guilt and no grace.
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