January 27, 2022
Come Alongside
Come alongside. This is really the crux of it all. Just walk alongside people and enter into their lives. Listen. Talk. Laugh. Cry.
Read more..Come alongside. This is really the crux of it all. Just walk alongside people and enter into their lives. Listen. Talk. Laugh. Cry.
Read more..The point is clear. The Father of Truth will win, and the followers of Truth will be saved. The prize is yours. Applaud the victory!
Read more..The Lord’s priority is our spiritual development. When we obey what His Word reveals to be His will, He’ll sovereignly direct our path in every other matter.
Read more..John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life"
Read more..This week, intentionally offer the last seat on the bus, even if you got there first; be patient with your friend who came late.
Read more..From Genesis to Revelation, God is revealing His thoughts, principles, and wisdom so we can live accordingly in any situation.
Read more..“We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith.” Hebrews 12:2 (GW) Focus: Not on the winds of opposition, but on the setting of the sail; Not on the howling of the storm, but on the voice of the Captain; Not on the darkness of the sea, but on the lighthouse on the shore; ...
Read more..I struggle with intrusive thoughts on a daily basis. An intrusive thought flies into my brain. Instantly, my mind is shaken from the peaceful state it was in and thrown into a full blown panic.
Read more..You don’t abandon a friend -not even when that friend is dead. John stayed close to Jesus.
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