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Thoughts By Men

April 11, 2021

The Power of Consistency

At the first sign of conflict, some Christians hop to another church instead of working through difficulties with their local body of believers. And when it comes to our personal walk of faith, many of us struggle to maintain a consistent quiet time with the Lord.

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April 10, 2021

Be Confident in God’s Ability More Than Your Own

Our confidence is not in our ability but in God’s ability. How would things change in your life if you traded self-confidence for God confidence?

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April 9, 2021

Tested Faith

Lord, help me to see the tests in my life the way you see them. I thank you for all the second chances you have given me. And with each hurdle I overcome, may my faith and trust in you deepen, my Lord and Savior. Amen.

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April 8, 2021

God is For Me

Gods' kingdom needs you. The poor need you; the lonely need you; the church needs you…. the cause of God needs you.  You are part of the purposes He is working out in the world

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April 7, 2021

God’s Beauty All Around Us

God’s presence is all around us. God earnestly wants to help us and guide us. His plan is to prosper us and give us hope and a future.

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April 6, 2021

In the Image of Your Father

As God’s child, you reflect your Father’s image as His light shines through your eyes, as His words are on your lips, as His peace is upon your countenance, as His grace is in your responses,

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April 3, 2021

On Saturday

When it’s Easter Saturday in your life, how do you react? When you are somewhere between yesterday’s tragedy and tomorrow’s triumph, what do you do? Do you leave God’ - or do you linger near him? John chose to linger. And because he lingered on Saturday, he was around on Sunday to see the miracle.

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April 1, 2021

Truly This Was the Son of God

Let’s peer into the window of time and see Jesus’ last hours on earth as he hangs on the cross. His worst enemies in attendance.

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March 31, 2021

You Can Live Forgiven

Do you know God’s grace? If you do, you can live boldly, live robustly; his safety net will break your fall. Nothing fosters courage like a clear grasp of grace.

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March 30, 2021


Can you forgive that which you cannot forget? Can you move on after someone sins or has an ought against you? Can you make peace with painful memories and create a life that is beautiful again? Can you forgive what you cannot forgive?

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