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Thoughts By Men

November 30, 2020

Where Grace Abounds?

If a recently released Christian prisoner came to your church, would he feel welcome? Would you welcome him?

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November 29, 2020

Growing Through Our Adversity

What would happen if you approached a fork in the road and found two signs—one reading “Road of Comfort” and the other, “Road of Adversity”?

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November 28, 2020

God is a Redeemer

God is a Redeemer;He bought us with a great price,He rescues and breaks the chains of bondage,He finds us and brings us home.God is a Restorer;He returns what was destroyed andreplaces what was stolen.

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November 25, 2020

What’s On Your Mind?

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,

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November 24, 2020

Pray, Watch and Give Thanks

Paul focuses on three words that should sum up the Christian’s everyday life. They are “pray, watch and thankful.”

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November 22, 2020

Who Do You Say I Am?

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You

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November 21, 2020

Blessed are the Humble

As commonly interpreted, the word “blessed” means “happy”   You and I are assured of happiness when we are making conscious strides toward humility. All of this becomes possible as we yield to God’s indwelling Holy Spirit.

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November 18, 2020

Welcome Jesus into the Turbulence

Follow the example of the disciples.  Welcome Jesus into the midst of this turbulent time. Don’t let the storm turn you inward.  Let it turn you upward.  Remember, my friend, you are never alone.

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November 17, 2020

In Our Weakness

ometimes our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall to the floor. Other times, we are overcome with emotion and the words of our prayers can't capture what's in our hearts.

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November 16, 2020

Jonah Just Doesn’t Get it

Jonah was so caught up in his own self-righteousness that, in the end, all he could care about was himself and a stupid plant. Meanwhile, God was having compassion for a hundred and twenty thousand people who were trapped in their own ignorance, along with many animals, which God cared about, too.

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