May 8, 2020
He Knows You
Do you know this God who knows you? He knows your name. And he can’t wait to get you home. The ever-recurring, soul-lifting message of heaven is this— “The Lord delights in you” (Isaiah 62:4).
Read more..Do you know this God who knows you? He knows your name. And he can’t wait to get you home. The ever-recurring, soul-lifting message of heaven is this— “The Lord delights in you” (Isaiah 62:4).
Read more..We all go through storms in our lives. Some are fierce and we feel like we are about to sink. We look for places to run and hide and avoid the storms, but they follow us everywhere we go. We can’t escape.
Read more..You cannot know what Jesus has said without knowing the Scriptures. His words are there for you to hear, to believe, to receive, and to obey. His words are true words, good words, living words, whole words, righteous words.
Read more..“God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power and love and discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7). The path to spiritual revival is found in the very things we are sometimes reluctant to do—praying and reading the Word.
Read more..God loves the sound of your voice—always! God never places you on hold or tells you to call again later.
Read more..The book of Acts shows that, when believers are filled with the Spirit, they’re anything but stationary. They speak God’s Word boldly. They endure persecution. They care for and do good to others. Being filled with the Spirit goes beyond brimming with joy, peace, self-control, and the like. He produces action.
Read more..Question: How does God’s unchanging nature give you comfort in difficult times of instability?
Read more..I have never seen the Spirit with my eyes, but he bears witness with my spirit that I am his.
Read more..Be careful. Hard hearts never heal. Spongy ones do! Open every pore of your soul to God’s presence. Here’s how. Lay claim to the nearness of God.
Read more..Real growth in grace is the result of sanctified trials. God often takes away our comforts and our privileges in order to make us better Christians. He trains His children, not in dwellings of ease and luxury, but by using them in hard service.
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