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Thoughts By Men

July 31, 2019

To Do Good

We are to be a people who do good deeds! When God gives us the opportunity, let's take it!

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July 29, 2019

Like a Sweet Perfume

"...spread the Gospel like a sweet perfume" 2 Corinthians 2:14 We can certainly learn a lesson from the apostle Paul. He frequently begins a chapter or a verse with a note of praise.

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July 28, 2019

Grace Can Heal Hurts

People bring pain.  Sometimes deliberately.  Sometimes randomly.  So where do you turn?

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July 26, 2019

Walking Through Open Doors

God, help me pay attention to clear signs you provide regarding my future

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July 25, 2019

The Stones Cry Out

If the stones were to speak, they could tell of how God took them from the quarry, shaped them, and made them fit for the temple. We too can testify of all the ways God has guided us,

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July 24, 2019

Finished with Sin

A young woman I met with was weighted down with her guilt and sin. In fact, she was so distraught that she would not look me in the eye. All the while I was counselling her she was under such deep conviction that all I could see was the top of her head.

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July 23, 2019

You Don’t Have to Worry

The Apostle Paul urges us to “be anxious for nothing.”  God offers you and me the possibility of a worry-free life.  Jesus said,“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life!  Of course not”  (Matthew 6:27).

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July 22, 2019

Who Could Use Your Encouragement Today?

Is there someone who could use your encouragement today? Don’t wait until later! Encourage that person right now.

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July 20, 2019

Sweet Comfort

Fear saps our will power and leaves us feeling depleted and hopeless. Yet very few of us have ever experienced a defeat so complete and bitter as the one God's people faced when Isaiah shared this message of hope.

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July 19, 2019

God is Our Guardian

God is your guardian, separating you from evil.  So, why do bad things happen to us?

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