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Thoughts By Men

June 10, 2019

Courage to Speak the Truth

Are you willing to commit to speaking truth even when it’s costly? Altering income tax information, falsely enhancing your image on social media, or ignoring a miscalculation in your favor on a receipt isn’t worth the loss of character that comes with deception.

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June 9, 2019

The Lord is Near

Because the Lord is near, we can rejoice and treat others with gentleness. He is near because he lives in us through his Spirit.

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June 7, 2019

Inner Beauty

"...but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. “ 1 Peter 3:3-4

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June 6, 2019

Standing in the Storm

“What am I going to do?” How many times have we all uttered this cry of despair? Sometimes the storms of life come without letup; they seem endless, successively crashing against us until we feel as though we can’t take any more. In those times of desperation, Psalm 62 offers three valuable lessons.

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June 2, 2019

Using Our Abilities

We would be poor stewards if we ignored the special abilities the Holy Spirit has given to us. We must use our abilities to glorify Christ, not to glorify ourselves, or some other person, or even to glorify the gift itself.

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June 1, 2019

Worthless Worry

Did God save you so you would fret?  Would he teach you to walk just to watch you fall?  Would he be nailed to the cross for your sins and then disregard your prayers?  Come on.

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May 31, 2019

7 Good Things…to Know about God’s Love for You

No one knows you more thoroughly: O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up: (vs. 1) No one understands you more completely: You understand my thought afar off. (vs.2) No one cares about you more deeply: You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are

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May 30, 2019

Our Heavenly Father’s Unconditional Love

Scripture tells us that love is the very essence of who God is (1 John 4:7). So if you don't believe that He loves you unconditionally, you'll never really know Him or have genuine peace about your relationship with Him.

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May 26, 2019

Putting out the Welcome Mat

We are in the business of welcoming sons and daughters of the King, and that includes everyon - even those we'd rather not have in our family.

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May 24, 2019

Dear Friends

I don't say thank you often enough to my friends for being part of my life. It is the mosaic of people like you in my life that makes me who I am.

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