April 10, 2019
Guard Your Heart
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father encourage you and strengthen you
Read more..“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father encourage you and strengthen you
Read more..As difficult as it is, can you withhold repaying evil for evil? Will you extend grace and forgiveness toward people who wound, offend, or assault you?
Read more..Read: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 Look up comfort in a dictionary and you’ll find a definition
Read more..Things You Can Count On! There will always be a grace that is sufficient; a
Read more..When we sin, it may create a sense of alienation from God (and understandably so), but the days of actual separation are over. God is always ready to listen to our repentive prayers and to help us get back on track to where we’ll be full of joy
Read more..Just as regular maintenance keeps machines working, regular spiritual self-assessments would keep you aware of “loose bolts”.
Read more..The purpose of the Bible is simply to proclaim God's plan to save his children. Understanding the purpose of the Bible is like setting the compass in the right direction.
Read more..Now I know why righteousness is so hard to find: there aren't many sowers! Heavenly wisdom is full of sacrificial earthly action.
Read more..God pours his power into your life, giving you his strength to do what he’s called to do. Faith is acting in confidence that God’s power is active in and through your life;
Read more..Think for a moment... who do you admire? the most admired people of the 20th century is Mother Teresa. Jesus is the ultimate example of a person with a willingness to help the helpless.
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