December 10, 2018
To Humble Ourselves
Humble people seem to be blessed with pervasively portioned patience, peace, perseverance and unpretentiousness. Humble people are strong, solid, steadfast, sincere, serving and unswerving.
Read more..Humble people seem to be blessed with pervasively portioned patience, peace, perseverance and unpretentiousness. Humble people are strong, solid, steadfast, sincere, serving and unswerving.
Read more..If you are a God-seeker, except for times of darkness when the Spirit refines your spiritual senses, you should expect to see the glory of God! There should be an anticipation that any day now --- as you enter your prayer room or go for a walk, or in a dream -
Read more..Believers are facing persecution and testing as perhaps seldom before. You and I may be called upon to suffer for the cause of Christ. By faith, we are not to fear, knowing that an "unending, glorious future" awaits us.
Read more..Lord, accept me. I present myself, praying to live only in You and for You. Let my life be a ready sacrifice to you, and let my motto be, "For me to live is Christ."
Read more..Though experiences with our earthly dads may have distorted our perspective of the heavenly Father, we can learn to see Him as He truly is. By viewing Him through the truth of Scripture instead of our preconceptions, we will see evidence of His loving care and discover a security we’ve never known before.
Read more.."...he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.” Psalm 23:1-3 My that sounds so good. But it is more than talk. When we've reached that point that we can't go on, God blesses us with strength to just keep on walking.
Read more..Forgiveness doesn’t diminish justice; it just entrusts it to God. When it comes to forgiveness, all of us are beginners. Stay the course!
Read more..Words have such a powerful ability to bless or wound. We need to watch with diligence what we say. The wrong words, especially at the wrong time have the ability to hurt both those who speak and those who hear them.
Read more..Trouble and Distress “Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my
Read more..Roots of bitterness don’t stop with us; they reach into our relationships, causing trouble and defiling others (Hebrews 12:15). An unforgiving spirit hinders our ability to love, poisoning the atmosphere in homes and workplaces.
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