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Thoughts By Men

September 10, 2024

Grounded in Truth

Grounded in Truth: If we'll let the truths of Scripture fill our minds, guard our emotions, and influence our conduct, God will richly reward us.

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September 9, 2024

Hope is In Him

Hope is in Him - Devotional by John Grant: “And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7

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September 8, 2024

Sealed by God

As a parent, when our children stumble, we don’t disown them. We may punish or reprimand, but cast them out of the family? We cannot. They are biologically connected to us.

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September 7, 2024


Set your sights on high. Know from where your help comes. Our Goal: The prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

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September 6, 2024

Broken Fragments

What does God see when he looks at you? To what extent are you trusting God to work within you to create a work of beauty?

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September 5, 2024


God wants us to live excellence in our spiritual lives. Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being the very best at something.

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September 4, 2024


Have you ever been amazed at God for not answering?

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September 3, 2024

Sure Road to Faith

Every time you and I open and read God's Word carefully, we are building up our storehouse of faith.

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September 2, 2024

Don’t Replace God

Vengeance fixes your attention on life’s ugliest moments. Score settling freezes your stare at cruel

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September 1, 2024

How Will You be Remembered?

How will you be remembered? What kind of reputation are you building? What legacy are you leaving?

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