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Thoughts By Men

March 6, 2024

Not Against Flesh and Blood

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

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March 5, 2024

Worry is Optional

Some of us have postgraduate degrees from the University of Anxiety. We go to sleep worried that we won’t wake up.

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March 4, 2024

Trust in the Source of Guidance

Trust in God alone and you will never get off course.

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March 3, 2024

Finding the Good in Conflict

Conflict may be difficult, but good can come of it. Conflict is a part of life, and good-meaning people rub each other the wrong way routinely. The question is how we will deal with it — either destructively or constructively?

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March 2, 2024

What Makes Heaven Heavenly

Heaven is a perfect place of perfected people with our perfect Lord. You’ll love it! Never weary, selfish, or defeated.

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March 1, 2024

Follow Your Hunger

My friend, God is looking for hungry people. Blessed are those who hunger. He is seeking people who are truly seeking Him.

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February 29, 2024

The Tongue

Words are powerful. Communicators know this. Negotiators know this. Deep down, you know this.

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February 28, 2024

His Authority

Jesus in Chapter 7 of Matthew is clearly calling us to do more than just acknowledge His Words; He is calling us to follow Him.

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February 27, 2024

The Path of Life

Life is like a trail with complex twists and turns. Appealing activities can be detours that lead to the quicksand of sin. No one can go wrong by keeping to the pathways God selects.

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February 26, 2024

It Is Never Too Late

Some people say they have sinned too long and too bad to ever be accepted by Christ. Don’t you believe it.

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