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Thoughts By Men

February 5, 2024

The Prison of Pride

Blessed are those who know they’re in trouble and have enough sense to admit it!

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February 4, 2024

The Power of Love

Godly love enables us to: Respond graciously in trying circumstances; Sacrifice without complaining; Wait patiently for others instead of pushing them to change...

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February 3, 2024

Show Me Your Ways

“Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.“ Psalm 25:4-5

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February 2, 2024

Call it Grace

Apart from Christ you are not holy.  So how can you go to heaven?  Only believe.  Accept the work already done, the work of Jesus on the cross. 

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February 1, 2024

Make a Difference

God has promised us that just as he is eternal and will live forever, so are those who pursue a relationship with him and are committed to his will.

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January 31, 2024

You Make a Difference

You are making a difference in ways you don't even realize. And you're very much appreciated. “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”. 2 Corinthians 9:8

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January 30, 2024

Playing to your Strengths

Question: Which unnecessary obligations do you have that are preventing you from serving God to the fullest of your ability?

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January 29, 2024

Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus

Radical obedience to Christ is not easy... It's not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us. How about you? What kind of statement does your conduct in the world say about your faith….. your Jesus?

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January 28, 2024

From the Eyes of God

Do you judge by the standards you have been taught or do you turn to God, and seek understanding from Him? Do you see with your eyes, or with God’s eyes?

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January 27, 2024

Infinite Forgiveness

Salvation is instantaneous, but discipleship is a lifelong journey. We will need each other’s encouragement—and the grace and mercy of God—as we learn to forgive the way Jesus taught us.

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