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Thoughts By Men

October 13, 2023

One Step at a Time

Oh, how we like to know the details—where we’re going, which path we’ll take, when we’ll get there, and exactly what “there” is.

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October 12, 2023

From Brokenness to Holiness

Who we are in God is more important than who we are to anyone else in this world. We are His chosen people, and we are His very own.

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October 11, 2023

Building Muscles of Faith

"I wish I had great faith." These are words that almost every Christian has said at one time or another. But faith is like a muscle, which must be exercised in order to become strong; just wishing cannot make it happen.

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October 10, 2023

On Parade

God has us on parade. Part of our mission is consciously telling people about Christ. Another part of it is unconsciously telling people about Christ.

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October 8, 2023

Thanksgiving in Our Hearts

My prayer for us this week “Lord we shout to you with joy. We worship you our Lord with gladness; and come before you with joyful songs. We know that you Lord are God. It is you who made us, and we are yours; we are your people, the sheep of your pasture. We enter yo

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October 7, 2023

God Never Sends You Out Alone

Are you on the eve of change? Do you find yourself looking into a new chapter? God never sends you out alone.

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October 6, 2023

My Great Delight

God loves the aroma of his children's joy, especially when he is the source of its delight!

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October 5, 2023

In Him

We were chosen “in Him” before we were even born. It sure makes sense to continue “in Him” then doesn’t it.

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October 4, 2023

Surrounded by God’s Protection

Living in an increasingly insecure world has its real challenges. Dangers, terrorism, new strains of viruses, economic struggles and broken/displaced families surround us on all sides. In the midst of these tensions ....

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October 3, 2023

Contentment in October

Where I live October is a transition month. By October summer is all put away. The lawnmower sits idle in the shed, and deck chairs lean against the back of the house. Annual flowers once in full bloom now rot in compost piles, ...

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