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Thoughts By Men

July 24, 2024

God is Nigh

Cover yourselves with the cover of God,...all is well because God is nigh. Psalms 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and ...

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July 23, 2024

A Prayer to be as One

This prayer is for us to be as one just as the Father and Son are one.

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July 22, 2024

Fill My Cup Lord.

It all began with the annoyance of a couple late for an appointment. Sometimes God takes a quiet miracle and turns it into something that will live forever.

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July 21, 2024

Constant Awareness

Where does your heart live? Is there a constant awareness in your life that God is present? Is he the unseen but always present companion

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July 20, 2024

Lessons Learned from a Three Year Old: Stuck inside the Computer

As adults, we laughed at the absurdity of someone being trapped inside a computer.

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July 19, 2024

Prayer: The Hedge of Protection

In the case of children who are prodigals, we can pray a hedge of thorns around them to protect them from friends who influence them in the wrong way. The Bible says, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16b

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July 18, 2024

Thump-Thud, Thump-Thud

There’s nothing like a good thump to reveal the nature of a heart. Jesus said that out of the nature of the heart a man speaks (Luke 6:45).

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July 17, 2024


Like many I live, bound up in life’s issues day-to-day, coping with the curve balls that speed my way.

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July 16, 2024


Two types of thoughts continually vie for your attention. One proclaims God’s strengths; the other lists your failures.

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July 15, 2024

Deception of the Heart

Our God is so amazing. Majestic. Gracious. Loving. We may think, “I would never serve another.” But tragically, it happens all the time. “Take care lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them.” Deuteronomy 11:16

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