April 4, 2019
Is It Time for a Maintenance Check Up?
Just as regular maintenance keeps machines working, regular spiritual self-assessments would keep you aware of “loose bolts”.
Read more..Just as regular maintenance keeps machines working, regular spiritual self-assessments would keep you aware of “loose bolts”.
Read more..Think for a moment... who do you admire? the most admired people of the 20th century is Mother Teresa. Jesus is the ultimate example of a person with a willingness to help the helpless.
Read more..Here are 7 things you can do to make the one you love feel special on Valentine’s Day or any day.
Read more..Are you drowning in a situation in which you need the clear words of a good friend? I am convinced I still need people in my life who will, with clarity and calmness, speak words that will save my life. Friends, mentors, or sometimes strangers, who will tell me the truth.
Read more..The expression, “actions speak louder than words” comes to mind. Dear Father, I desire to honor you. Show me the areas of my life where my words and actions do not match. Thank you for your Spirit’s presence in my life that gives me the strength to live consistent with your word. Amen.
Read more..What words are you saying to someone else that will imprint on their memory and shape their identity? The seeds of your words can reap joy, today and later on.
Read more..What does availability look like? Dear Father, today I give You may plans, desires, and time. I desire to be available to You each moment.
Read more..The past two years I have been slowly entering the world of cycling. I just
Read more..What if I started each day with the question, “God, what would you like me to do today? What would it look like to start each day like that?
Read more..It was really windy when my grandson said, “Papa I can hear God’s voice in the wind… and he says he will help us find our way.” What wonderful thoughts innocently offered by a child!
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