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Thoughts By Phil Ware

October 23, 2020

The Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”  John 10:11

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October 10, 2020

Skewed Values

In a world with skewed values, and false promises, and fleeting fame, what can we boast in other than the steadfastness of the Lord's love, the incredible riches of the Lord's grace, the incomparable supply of the Lord's blessings, the sweetness of the Lord's people, the mercy of the Lord's plan for our salvation, the promise of the Lord's tomorrow, the..... of the Lord's...!

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October 1, 2020

Our Loving Sacrificial Savior

Gracious Father, I praise you from the bottom of my heart for providing Jesus as my Savior. At the same time, dear Father, I confess to you I struggle with sin.

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September 23, 2020

What Are You Listening To?

Thought. Who are you listening to in your life? We can hear all sorts of different voices, but we can follow only one. So who are you going to listen to as you make your decisions about morality, values, ethics, and character?

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September 10, 2020

His Shelter

How good it is to be as close to God as his shadow and to share in the comfort of his sheltering presence. He is not far if our hearts choose to draw near him. Let's choose to draw near!

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August 27, 2020

More than Conquerors

Are we really conquerors despite "trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword"? Yes! That is the ultimate Christian assurance.

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August 13, 2020

Keeping with God’s Will

O Righteous Father and Holy God, forgive me for being selfish with the funds you have so richly shared with me. I want to give my heart and my life to you fully, not holding back anything from your will, and I ask you to help me know how to best use the blessings you have entrusted to me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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July 26, 2020

Let Your Light Shine

Our goal is not to call attention to ourselves, but to help others see the glorious grace of our Father.

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July 22, 2020

Worry about Your Life

God gives beauty to the flowers and life to grass. In the grand scheme of things, these are transitory and insignificant. He sent his Son from Heaven to save us. So, he most definitely is going to give us what we need until we go home to live with him!

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July 9, 2020

A Daily Battle

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