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Thoughts By Phil Ware

March 11, 2019

The Lord is Our Helper

How can we be confident in what happens today? What is our assurance for tomorrow? Where do we muster excitement about eternity?

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March 1, 2019

You are the Light

Our life will not be neutral. We will either point others away from God or show them that allegiance to God is important.

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February 22, 2019

My Grace is Sufficient

Prayer: Patient and loving Shepherd, guard my heart from discouragement in tough times and guard it from arrogance in good times.

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February 17, 2019

The Lord Confides in Those Who Fear Him

Where does true deliverance come from? Only from God. Deliverance is found in God through deep reverential respect for his holiness and might, through living in covenant relationship with him, and through maintaining our focus on him.

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February 2, 2019

Maker of Heaven and Earth

In a world of startling beauty and a universe of dazzling diversity, our hearts are to be drawn back to the One who made it and now sustains it.

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November 27, 2018

The Lord is My Shepherd

"...he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.” Psalm 23:1-3 My that sounds so good. But it is more than talk. When we've reached that point that we can't go on, God blesses us with strength to just keep on walking.

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November 23, 2018

Trouble and Distress

Trouble and Distress “Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my

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November 20, 2018

Wait on the Lord

If there is anything we don't like to do, it's wait. Maybe that is why God is so interested in us learning to do it! There is something purifying about remaining strong in tough times and remaining faithful when ill winds blow.

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October 25, 2018

Glorify the LORD

Thought: Isn't it good that we can sing alone and know God loves our song! Isn't it even better that we can join others in songs of praise and lose ourselves in wonder, love, and praise!

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October 21, 2018

My Refuge and My Shield

Where can we go to remain secure from the onslaught of bad ideas, evil influences, and false hopes? We can go to God and his Word. While people can be disloyal and misguided, God's love is proven through history and through Jesus and his truth stands forever.

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