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Thoughts By Phil Ware

January 9, 2024

Real Life

Thought: God wants us to have life! Real life. Life that lasts forever with him! That's why he sent Jesus, so we could have life.

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January 4, 2024

Filled with Joy and Peace

Hope and joy and peace sound terrific! Two things are vital for this to be a part of our lives. First, we must trust God to meet our needs and get us to where we need to be. Second, we expect the power of the Holy Spirit to bless us and empower us with God's qualities.

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December 27, 2023

Joy in the Lord

Father, I long to know you face to face and share in the unbridled joy of heaven with you.

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December 17, 2023

Holy Passion

Prayer: O God, give me a holy passion to know your truth and live it in both word and deed. Make my life a reflection of your Word, who both proclaimed and lived your truth. In him I pray. Amen.'

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December 14, 2023

My Shepherd

The goal of our walk with Jesus is to come to know him as our shepherd just as intimately as he knows the Father.

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November 27, 2023

Refuge and Strength

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 Where can we go when all the walls fall and all the armies crumble and all hope is lost? To the eternal God, who is our Father.

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November 23, 2023

Search Me

God does know us. We cannot pretend we are something we are not with him. He knows us — inside and out, through and through. This should liberate us to share a remarkable degree of intimacy with him, but most of us run from such a close relationship with our Father.

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November 15, 2023

Praying for You

When we hear of Christians in other places, especially where circumstances and times are difficult, or they are new in the Faith, let's intentionally and purposefully pray this prayer for them!

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November 10, 2023

Do Not Worry

Generous Father, banish fear and selfishness from my heart. I know you have already provided the most incredible gift of all time, Jesus. Please help me pursue you and your will,

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November 3, 2023

To Love Others

We are not the source of love: God is. We are not the great example of love: God is. God's love is expansive and open to all.

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