February 26, 2023
In Your Faithfulness
Some days are just plain tough! Those we care about are hurting. Our plans are falling through. Our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall at our feet.
Read more..Some days are just plain tough! Those we care about are hurting. Our plans are falling through. Our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall at our feet.
Read more..Darkness is more than a symbol, it is a pervasive way of living and viewing the world. Darkness is the place of deception, evil, crime, predators, sin, and death.
Read more.."What am I living for?" While that is an important question, the most important question of all is "Who am I living for?" Only one person can insure that I will never die because he has already died for me and conquered death!
Read more..Love! In the week of Valentine's Day, we want to remember the real meaning of love.
Read more..Abba Father, I will never fully understand how you could love me so much that you would allow your son to die for me as my sacrifice.
Read more..Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.” In truth, God is always close to those who genuinely seek after him. The real problem is that we drift away from him, lose interest, and leave his presence. So let's seek him and receive his grace.
Read more..I find it hard to be contented about almost anything. My performance is not up to par. My weight isn't where it should be. My words were a little insensitive in the last conversation.
Read more..Thought: God is a shield whose Word can be trusted. His way is not only true, but it is also life-giving. But, we must take refuge in him if his flawless word and his perfect way are going to be blessings and his presence is going to bless us as our shield.
Read more..O God, you are my Hope. I trust in you and your promises. But I admit that at times, like even right now, I struggle with the confidence that you will act in response to my prayers and do what I've trusted you with my life to do.
Read more..Thought: The year is gone, finished, past. We cannot reclaim it or undo it. We cannot rest on the great distance it has brought us. Let's journey forward, knowing that God already inhabits the future and promises to provide us refreshment on our journey there.
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