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Thoughts By Rod Marshall

January 11, 2021


So I went down the imaginary stairs of my consciousness, to the inner store-cupboard of my being. I made my way past the previously opened boxes, piled in a heap on one side.

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October 5, 2020

Blurred Vision

Reading the Bible at the start of the day is a good place to invite the presence of Jesus in to quiet our rushing about. However, I have found it requires a submissive heart and willing attitude to allow the Holy Spirit’s influence on, and into, our thoughts and beings.

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September 3, 2020


Lord, we praise You for Your patience with us and we lift to You all those things in our lives that may still be in rebellion to the will of God in us. Please enable us to overcome our reticence to allow You into these situations.

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October 13, 2017

Finding the Time

“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.

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October 1, 2017


“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one

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August 25, 2017

The Plan

Some people have great moments of clarity that change their life, whilst for others these are but a moment's fancy that soon pass. Such are life's choices: to see or not; to have faith or to doubt; to believe or not.

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April 27, 2017


“Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among

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October 13, 2016

Double Minded, Me?

PRAYER: LORD, today as we come before You, forgive us our failures, strengthen us at our point of need and send us back out into the world as Your disciples with the courage to take You with us wherever we are sent. Moreover, LORD, humble us so that we do not get in the way of Your Kingdom work through our lives. Amen.

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October 3, 2016

Where are You?

Lately, I have allowed the inner little boy to get the better of me, in my talk with God. What a joy to find my way into His presence! He said: "follow me".

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August 14, 2016

Recognizing the Truth

Set us free from delusion, doubt and sin so that, by Your Holy Spirit, we can live and move in Your will for our lives again. Amen.

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