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Thoughts By Shelaine Strom

May 8, 2024

Thrive and Serve

Are you connected to the Vine and plugged into a body of believers? Ask God to show you one way you can serve someone today.

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April 4, 2024

Take the Leap

Thought: Take time to review the ways God has protected and guided you through difficult times and thank Him, in advance, for how He will continue to do so in the future.

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February 1, 2024

Big Picture, Small Picture

Thoughts: Consider what you are waiting for and ask yourself if it is keeping you from living or motivating you toward eternity.

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October 7, 2023

Moans and Groans

Thanks to the Holy Spirit who lives within me, my requests are brought to God. When I don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes with moans and groans on my behalf.

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March 6, 2022

More Than I Know

...And so it is in my relationship with the Lord. He is the mighty rushing wind that takes my breath away with His strength and power to heal and change lives.

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July 22, 2019

Seed Planters

I used to work in a program where overtly talking about God was not allowed. It took me years to resolve the fact that while I couldn’t speak the name of Jesus, I could ask God to make me into a seed planter by teaching biblically-based principles and treating my clients with love and respect.

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July 1, 2017

The Lord is my Shepherd

A shepherd knows his sheep intimately and will go to great lengths to find a lost one, nurse a sick lamb back to health and protect and care for his flock. The Lord does the same for us..

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April 16, 2016

Is It Possible?

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in

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