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Thoughts By Women

September 9, 2020

Disciple Through Hospitality

In the Bible, hospitality meant showing love to strangers by opening one’s home to them. Throughout our marriage, my husband and I have practiced hospitality by providing meals to strangers, but rarely have strangers spent the night in our home.

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September 8, 2020

Speak Life

Begin to focus on what is going on in your heart. Luke 6:45 tells us that out of the abundance of the heart, our mouth speaks. Have you paid much attention to this connection? 

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September 7, 2020

Loose the Weight of Shame

Have you ever played Hide and Seek with a two-year-old?

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September 3, 2020

Risky Business

Really, deeply, openly loving another person can be scary.

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September 2, 2020

Simply Ask

When you and I have access to God’s power, there’s joy. Joy is more than happiness. It’s long-lasting, beyond emotion. It’s an inner peace that is calming and sparkling. Experiencing such inner delight strengthens us to pursue God’s will even more. This helps us to live our best life.

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September 1, 2020

Be Thankful for Weakness

Power is sexy. We live in a world that admires strength and pities weakness. Fortune 500 companies, movie stars, and politicians all have some level of power over our lives. Some athletes have the physical power to dominate their opponents. We often celebrate and admire the power they all have.

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August 31, 2020

Comforting Others in Grief

Lord, help me to put away bitterness born of grief and disappointment, and instead look outward to those who desperately need encouragement

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August 30, 2020

The Heart is What Matters

God, forgive me for judging others’ faith by their outward appearance. Help me see people the way You do. Amen.

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August 29, 2020

Thorned for a Reason

How do you see someone who is being a thorn in your flesh? Is there someone in your life who just rubs you the wrong way?

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August 27, 2020

God Sized Prayers

Our prayers don't have to be limited to what we can think of to ask for. God is far greater and more creative.

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