June 23, 2019
Witnessing that Can’t Fail
Sometimes, it's hard to know what other people need. But here's one thing I can assure you: your neighbor needs a word of encouragement.
Read more..Sometimes, it's hard to know what other people need. But here's one thing I can assure you: your neighbor needs a word of encouragement.
Read more..“Whenever the cloud lifted from above the tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud
Read more..“See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘today,’
Read more..When someone sins against us, our flesh rises up and demands retribution. But the way of grace must watch over our hearts, guard our mouths, and release the offender.
Read more..“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars,
Read more..Have you ever really messed up? Maybe it was a mistake or a poor choice, but it was something so big you didn’t see a way to come back from it. I imagine we all have.
Read more..Jesus calls Christians to words and actions that go far beyond civility, even civility. His call is life altering, indeed it is death to self.
Read more..All of us will be walking in more of the Luke 4:18-19 (NKJV) ministry of
Read more..Repentance, Rest, Quiet, Trust. There is something about these words that appeals to me. They are contrary to human nature, but calming when I am stressed or fearful.
Read more..The other day I was asked, “How do you hear from God through His word? Although I try to read the Bible, it seems dry and old.” Let me share what I have learned in this adventure of hearing God through His word.
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