February 4, 2019
Prayer Journey
Father, we know You want to have a close, growing relationship with us. Lord, we also want to know You more. Deep within our souls we want to know You. Amen.
Read more..Father, we know You want to have a close, growing relationship with us. Lord, we also want to know You more. Deep within our souls we want to know You. Amen.
Read more..The exhilaration that must be felt and the sense that you are capable of attempting anything in life must be a small part of what we feel when we have a God centred mountaintop experience.
Read more..Friend, be friendly - and listen. God will use you to reach others for Christ! You need to be easy to talk to, friendly, and a good listener. They are great qualities to draw someone to Christ!
Read more..We need to give ourselves permission to savor quiet, restful moments. They will refresh you. They will remind you who you are. You will have a new outlook on life and all that is going on around you.
Read more..I’ve known many believers, both young and old, who don’t like praying out loud in a group because they don’t feel like they have the right words to say.
Read more..Mary received the praise of Jesus because of the LOVE that accompanied her ‘work.’ And her sacrificial act of love was recorded as a memorial to her.
Read more..My knees felt weak, my head spun. I was filled with so many toxic emotions at once. My colleague had grossly lied about me and my work, and it was too much to bear.
Read more..All the Grace I need He freely gives. I am flawed. Every day I miss the mark. I lose patience and say things the wrong way which means I shouldn’t have said them at all. I forget to pray for someone I assured I would remember their prayer request.
Read more..What do you do when people make choices that you cannot control?” “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you.” Matthew 6:14
Read more..Father, I thank you for people who’ve encouraged me. I want to be an encourager today. Can you be an encourager to someone today? Send a note, make a phone call, go for a walk, and above all, listen more than talk.
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