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Thoughts By Women

August 19, 2024

Face to Face with God

What happens when God shows up and He is totally other than we expected? 

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August 18, 2024

Not an Olympic Event

Unfortunately some people approach Bible reading as an Olympic event: how fast can I read? am I reading more than my friends?

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August 17, 2024

Overcoming Adversity

Dear one, the persecution may become intense.  When it does, pick up your prayer pace.  God will give you strength to complete the task He’s called you to do.

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August 16, 2024

Do Not Disturb

The finishing touch in the travel kit was a "Do Not Disturb" sticker. The humor of it hit me: if we are honest we spend most of our days like that. 

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August 15, 2024

Are You Done Yet, Lord?

It seemed as though the challenges would never end. An aging parent fell and broke her hip. A brother’s cancer wasn’t responding to treatment.

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August 14, 2024

When Life is Tough, Plant Flowers

One difficulty after another kept coming my way until I felt overwhelmed. I lost my job and therefore my income. If only our house would sell ....

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August 13, 2024

Not Guilty!

A powerful testament to grace and redemption through God. Explore the journey from guilt to freedom on Thoughts About God.

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August 12, 2024

Fight, Flight, Freeze …or Faith?

is it possible for Christians to have another response to turmoil in addition to these normal “human-wired” reactions?

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August 11, 2024

Serving the Lord Wholeheartedly

Being revolutionary means allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you every moment of the day, even when we wouldn’t have chosen His plans.

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August 10, 2024

The Quest for God

We can be sure that as fervently as we seek God, He seeks us ever more.

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