January 21, 2025
Painful Memories
How are you doing today? Is everything in your life great right now or are you suffering? Painful memories? I can relate.
Read more..How are you doing today? Is everything in your life great right now or are you suffering? Painful memories? I can relate.
Read more..Even when we can’t see our own courage, others can see it in us. What does courage look like in our everyday lives?
Read more..This scripture reveals to us what it looks like to love God’s way. Tests are essential in life to measure one’s level of growth.
Read more..What do you want Jesus to say to you when you meet Him face to face?
Read more..“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God,
Read more..You are thrice-loved—by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart so you may behold the wonders of His love that He has for you.
Read more..Prayer: Lord, I know Your plans for me are more excellent than anything I can devise. They are for my good and my benefit. Help me to remember to consult You with each choice that confronts me every day.
Read more..Almost everyone feels fear with a new beginning. However, if you are humble enough to be willing to start small and to do it afraid, God will exalt you.
Read more..More and more people seem to be exchanging the idea of a New Year’s resolution for a word that sums up a plan or goal for the year to come. Words like Enough, Abundance, Whole, and even Nope
Read more..That verse looks great to me. I want God to make my paths straight. I want God to show me the way to turn, what to pursue, or what to walk away from. So sitting doing my morning devotion this verse was nice to digest.
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