January 24, 2023
Dangling Threads
You want to pull it, but you know you shouldn't. That dangling thread on the seam of your clothes is bugging you. Does that describe your life?
Read more..You want to pull it, but you know you shouldn't. That dangling thread on the seam of your clothes is bugging you. Does that describe your life?
Read more..My whole perspective on prayer has changed much over the past several years. Before, I looked at prayer mostly as a means of my bringing my needs and requests to God for Him to supply and solve.
Read more..Thank you, Father, for loving me and for Your grace which accepts my too-small sacrifices, transforming them into offerings which glorify You. May I each day humbly offer myself to You so that the world will see Christ in me and long to know Him.
Read more..What we allow into our hearts guides our choices, little by little, and therefore guides the direction of our lives. To make better decisions, we must feed our heart with what’s good.
Read more..There have also been so many times when I have not taken the time to thank the giver of a gift for me. Those who gave me a gift would have likewise felt empty because I didn’t take the time to let them know the gift was appreciated. How often do we take all the blessings and gifts from the Lord for granted —
Read more..“Who is a God like you, who pardons…. and forgives…and delights to show mercy.” Micah 7:18 & 19 The book of Micah calls us to be on guard and keep bent toward God in a posture of willingness to let Him deliver us from the rebellion of our hearts.
Read more..We can set big goals (lifetime) or little ones (clean the deep freeze). We can set spiritual goals, self-improvement goals, career, educational, fun, weight-loss, housekeeping, decorating or cleaning goals.
Read more..Have you remained committed to your objectives and goals so far? “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13
Read more..Be blessed with the full purposes of God, which He planned before time, to be released to you in this time, in this season.
Read more..Jesus offers us peace—the peace with God which he made possible through his death on the cross; the peace of God which fills our hearts with quiet confidence even when life is tough.
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